Wednesday, October 10, 2012

September Jobs Report

This TIME article, which I feel is very important to our government, and possibly the world as a whole, talks about the September Jobs Report, which showed us that although the employment rate is only steadily increasing, the situation is still getting better and better, which could dramatically help President Obama in winning his reelection by depriving the republican candidate, Mitt Romney, of one of his most crucial debating topics. The rate, which just fell to 7.8% this month, is a result of 873,000 people who acquired new jobs, 10,000 of which were government jobs, which were thought to be decreasing. Also one figure that excites is the 86,000 more people that have jobs than was predicted in July. I think anyone who is interested in the election and bettering our country should definitely take note of facts like these, so one can make an informed decision in the election. The welfare of our economy and government is in our hands, so it is crucial that citizens don't submit to propaganda and focus only on the things that really matter, like this. I think Obama hasn't failed this country yet, and I think that people claiming our country's problems come from him, are only conforming to the typical republican ideas. I, myself, don't necessarily support Obama, but I do think that he hasn't had the chance to show that he can make a difference for us.

For the link to the article, click HERE


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