Monday, October 29, 2012

Romney-Ryan Tax Cuts and Block Grants

In this Huffington Post editorial, the author, Arther Delaney, focuses on what plans vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan, who is running along side Mitt Romney, presents as his plan if elected to office. Ryan, in his first policy speech since joining the election, proposes that he and Romney will rid Americans of these
"safety nets" that the Obama has put into action, because he suggests that "Americans are better off in a dynamic, free-enterprise-based economy that fosters economic growth, opportunity and upward mobility instead of a stagnant, government-directed economy that stifles job creation and fosters government dependency." The author then writes that Ryan, and the Romney Administration, would convert federal anti-poverty programs into "block grants," which are fixed amounts of money given to the states, so that these states can decide how to utilize the money, rather than the central government's programs.

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