Monday, October 1, 2012

Introduction to Me

As you can tell by the URL of the page my name is Nicholas Dorsett, or Nick for short. As a result of being raised in a lower-middle income family for the entirety of my life, most of my political ideals tend to be aligned with the liberal agendas, although, I do often find myself agreeing with conservatives as well. I don't really feel like I have neither enough life experience with politics, nor enough money to definitively call myself either a democrat or republican. Even though I don't recognize myself as part of any political party, I do have many ideas on which direction our country should be heading, as well as how we should get there. I believe that sometime in the future, maybe not in our lifetimes,  economic ruin will exist in every corner of the Earth unless certain ideals are put in to place, and also if others are removed. Personally, this blog is something I am excited about, as I have been looking for a place to document my feelings about politics, so hopefully, with this Government 2305 class I shall educate myself about the governmental systems, as well as sharpen my mind to what is really going on in this world.

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